Under the Bridge - April Fools!!


So I've been working pretty hard on a project for April Fool's Day, for about two months now. I was collaborating on it with Boroco (good buddy of mine, and collaborator on UtB), and the project was made public just before midnight on the last day of March. I figure it's been long enough to where I can reveal the joke:


I'll avoid revealing too much here, but I'll say this: If you are a fan of Under the Bridge and the cast, then consider playing Baring Fang, as there might be something in there for you to enjoy.

Anyways, now that that's out of the way, the next build of UtB will continue development posthaste! I don't have a timeline, but this upcoming build already has a lot of work done on it already, so I don't imagine it will take too too long (fingers crossed). Bonnie says hi!


UtB_win_v8.2.zip 141 MB
Apr 01, 2023
UtB_android_v8.2.apk 192 MB
Apr 01, 2023
UtB_linux_v8.2.zip 145 MB
Apr 01, 2023

Get Under The Bridge


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Honestly, that was surprisingly well made xd


Will there be more content relating to the character Fang? The version from early in the story has astronomically high cuteness levels, and it would be awesome to have more of that cuteness.